day two hundred and forty-five - mullets for mental health


Michael Bolton, Billy Ray Cyrus, David Hasslehoff. Firstly, please accept my apologies, these are things no-one needs brought to mind. Secondly, what do all these men have in common (aside from an uncanny ability to induce visions that can make one wretch?). If you answered a Mullet, you’d be correct.

In what is personally one of the most harrowing events to take place this year, I have joined this same band of “Business on to the top, Party at the back” miscreants. No, this is not the final straw, breaking what is left of my sanity. It’s for the Black Dog Institute’s “Mullets for Mental Health”. A Movember challenging assault on the visual environment of Australia in the hope to raise funds to help Black Dog continue their work.

Here’s what the Black Dog Institute have to say about it.

“Have you always wanted a mullet? Maybe you always wanted to try it but didn’t have the confidence to pull off such a majestic hairstyle, or maybe you have one already and want to see it bloom...

If so, then why not rock a mullet for a month!

Black Dog Institute’s Mullets For Mental Health is encouraging you to shape and grow your mullet for the month of September to raise much needed funds for mental health research.

Suicide is the leading cause of death among Australians aged 15-44, and 60% of Australians reporting symptoms of mental illness don’t seek help.

Your mullet will help us drive real change through ground breaking research into the early detection, prevention and treatment of common mental health disorders.

It couldn’t be easier – Register to create your unique mullet fundraising page and share with your friends and family asking them to dig deep for mental health research. Then on September 1st shape in the top and sides into your favourite mullet style.  “

Black Dog Institute

It was strange to shave back some of my covid hair growth. At about 2”, it was the longest my hair had been in years. Luckily, it’s spring now… I can’t believe how much colder it is, and with how I’ve been working up a sweat on the treadmill, it’s probably a good thing.

So, if anyone is inspired (and flush) enough to donate to either my Tour de Kilt challenge, my year in a Kilt, or my devastatingly horrendous mullet, please click the link below to go to the BDI website.

Much love, and if on the off-chance you see me with my mullet on one of my highly infrequent sojourns away from home, please feel free to disown me. I won’t be offended.

Tour de Kilt Stats

Stage 4 - Sisteron to Orciéres-Meriete - 160.5km
17.56 km
4,995.70 kJ

Total after 4 stages
72.38 km
20,518 kJ

Kilt of the day - Andersen Sport Kilt

Soundtrack of the day - Smoko - The Chats (sporting one of the ‘greatest(?)’ modern australian mullets)

Link of the Day - Black Dog Institute - Mullets For Mental Health
Main Page -
Personal Page -
Team Kilt Life Crisis (feel free to join in if you’re so inclined) -


day three hundred and ten - cubism


day two-hundred and forty-one - tour de kilt