day three hundred and ten - cubism

I like to saturate my brain. Rather, my brain is always saturated. It constantly is churning, deliberating, forever in need of… well, I haven’t quite worked that out yet. What I do know, is that if I leave it idle, then it churns deeper, bringing up painful memories from the past, doubts about the present, and puts that together to destroy hope for the future.

To that end, I am always trying to find the next something. The next thing that will occupy the synapses enough for them to abate the self-torment and give me momentary peace.

Lately, it’s been Rubik’s cube.

I know that’s lame for many people... just a kids toy that you either solve once and put back on the shelf, or take the stickers off and put them back on. But for me, it’s a headspace; a world where there is little else that can occupy the mind other than solving. What’s the most efficient cross? Where are the F2L pairs? Which algorithm is the most efficient for the OLL and PLL stages of the solve? What fingertricks and algorithms need to go to muscle memory so I can execute it better the next time? Should I learn Roux or ZZ after CFOP, or will I go all nostalgic and learn Petrus?

Am I good at it? Not really. Does that matter? Not at all. Does it help? Absolutely. Will I now forever be into cubing? Probably not (though I’ll always have an appreciation for it).

It’s a shame, but over the years, I’ve often been criticised for having many interests; for diving deep into a new subject and milking it for all it was worth, only to move onto the next thing as swiftly as I’d done before. It’s not a lack of focus or dedication, like I’ve been accused of or ridiculed for in the past, it’s how my brain works. At the very least, it’s a coping strategy that keeps the wolves at bay… and hey… who doesn’t want to be able to solve a cube?

(Btw… That’s a rhetorical question. Just let me believe eh?)

Kilt of the day - Ross Modern Hunting Tartan

“Song” of the day - OLLCP: I'm R U R' U' and I know It - Derpy cuber (yes, I know… I’m already sorry)

Link of the day - Learn How to Solve a Rubik's Cube in 10 Minutes - JPerm

Enabler and Dealer (I mean bonus) link of the day - Daily Puzzles


day three hundred and twenty-seven - lousy excuse


day two hundred and forty-five - mullets for mental health