day two-hundred and forty-one - tour de kilt

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So my idea… frankly, it’s not great. Exactly how it will all come together is still in the works, and I’m pretty sure that I’ll be regretting it fairly quickly into the exercise. I’ve put nowhere enough thought in, but bugger it, I’m going to have a crack anyway.

The idea is that rather than simply watch my beloved Tour de France, growing fatter and more sedentary into the wee hours of the morning, I’m going to walk it. Or rather, walk on a treadmill from the start of each stage, to the time the first rider crosses the finish line. That’s about 87 hours worth of walking over 21 days. I’ll increase the incline in the mountain stages, and run during the sprints. Rest assured though… kilt yes, lycra no.

The numbers are slightly frightening for someone who has barely walked to the letterbox for the past month, but I’m hoping that it’s not physically beyond me. It’s the kind of thing a sane person would have trained for, prepared for. I think we all know that I don’t fall into that category. Here are some hastily prepared numbers that go some way to expressing why I’m trepidatious about it.


I spent part of the afternoon reorganising the lounge room so the treadmill is lined up with the tv. I’ll have my iPad for when the race coverage isn’t online yet. I’ll watch what I eat more closely (though my “‘World Famous’ Tour de French Onion Soup” is totally still on the menu). I’ll be keeping a tally of the total times and distances, my weight, as well as the estimated amount of kilojoules I burn each day. Ultimately, at the end of the race, I want to be fitter, lighter, and have reduced my resting heart rate and blood pressure. In turn, this should go some way to reducing the symptoms of my mental illness, as well as sending me to bed exhausted each night hopefully going some way to addressing my insomnia and ridiculous sleep patterns.

Vive le Tour de Kilt! Wish me luck!

Kilt of the Day - Andersen Sport Kilt

Music Video of the day - Here it Goes Again - OK GO


day two hundred and forty-five - mullets for mental health


day two hundred and forty - vive le tour