day three hundred and sixty seven - if at first…


January 1st, 2021. This was supposed to be a day of rejoicing, albeit for a pretty innocuous reason. My year in a kilt done and dusted, and a pretty lousy year it was by anyone’s standard. Pants and shorts would once again reign supreme with my kilts resigned to a life of occasional use, gigs and special occasions; but as the day grew nearer, I felt a great reluctance to go back to my leg prisons; to go back to ‘normal’. 

Whilst the year had gone pretty well considering the circumstances, I didn’t feel close to finished. Even though I’d achieved my goal of wearing a kilt all day, every day for a year, it didn’t feel like an achievement. More a hollow marker in a trying year that typified what was left undone, unsaid, and unresolved.

So… I’m going again. Still with the same dogged determination to wear the kilt. Still with the misguided goal that it may somehow make a difference. Still hatching stupid, naive ideas and adventures... Still ready to have that conversation.

Kilt of the Day - My old trusty Ross Modern Hunting Tartan

Cheese of the Day - Willie Nelson - Once More with Feeling


day six hundred and seventeen - is it ok to ask?


day three hundred and sixty six - all good things