day three hundred and sixty six - all good things

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December 31st... and with that comes an end to my year in the kilt. It was very different than I expected for reasons that are all too clear. In the end, I’m hoping it wasn’t merely an exercise in futility; a strange man pointlessly indulging his eccentricities. I mean, it definitely was that, but I’d hoped for so much more but 2020 had other plans.

C’est la vie.

Thanks to everyone for all your love and support. It would have been impossible without it.

Much love,


kilt of the day - My much loved Ross Modern Hunting Tartan

soundtrack of the day - Ke Sera Sera - Doris Day


day three hundred and sixty seven - if at first…


day 43 quintillion, 252 quadrillion, 3 trillion, 274 billion, 489 million, 856 thousand minus 43,252,003,274,489,855,666.