day two hundred and thirty-six - trolleyed


Growing up in the 80’s, I saw the old “Do The Right Thing” litter reduction campaign from the NSW Government all over the place. It was a simple message to put rubbish in the bin, but as a child, it taught me more than that; to take personal responsibility and do something for the greater good.

Recently there was a hypothetical theory reposted by a twitter user called “The Shopping Cart Theory” which went viral. In it, they propose the idea that, essentially, whether or not you return your shopping trolley can determine if you are a good or bad member of society as there is no motivating factor either way, except one is the right thing to do. It’s an interesting thought experiment, though there can be mitigating factors such as disability, age and others.

trolley theory.jpeg

Whilst I cannot claim to have a completely unsoiled scorecard in this regard, my long term batting average is quite high. Ale fueled races up the main drag on a frightfully late Saturday night aside, and with all things being equal, just as putting rubbish in the bin is the right thing to go, so is returning your trolley. It’s a simple way to show respect for others. There are no accolades, nor should there be. While it may not make or break our society, things like this are a good way of practicing for when things really do matter.

There are however, a slew of things that really do matter at the moment. Caring for ourselves and for each other with acceptance, kind words, respect and love. Caring for our environment which is still so perilously close to the brink. Caring for our collective health with hand hygiene, social distancing and mask wearing. All these things are needed. All these things are more important to get right than experiencing the result of someone dumping a trolley in an otherwise empty parking space.

Do The Right Thing.

Kilt of the Day - Andersen Sport Kilt

Soundtrack of the Day - Trolley Song - Dave Brubeck

Bonus Soundtrack of the Day - Shopping Trolley - Beth Orton

Link of the Day - Do the Right Thing original 1980 TV ad


day two hundred and thirty-nine - dumb idea


day two hundred and twenty-eight - bloody anxiety