day two hundred and thirty-nine - dumb idea


Dumb ideas. I’ve had more than my fair share, wearing a kilt for a year being a strong contender for the top position, but over the past week, I’ve felt that uneasy itching that usually signifies I’m about to do something that I haven’t thought enough about, but commit to it anyway.

I’d always planned to attempt something big towards the end of this kilted year. Initially it was doing the Murray Marathon (now Massive Murray Paddle). 4 days of pain, 404kms paddling down the Murray River from Yarrawonga to Swan Hill. It’s an iconic Australian event, and each team or individual raises funds for their nominated charity or organisation. Another possibility was walking the Kokoda Track as part of a fundraiser organised for the Black Dog Institute. They both had their logistical issues, as well as being a massive impost on my family. Regardless, they were both seriously on the table. Somehow, I was determined to find a way… until COVID.

Over this time of isolation, I’ve been amazingly sedentary and reclusive; probably far more than most people. I’ve stopped walking, and am frankly not in tremendous shape (unless you have a penchant for the kind of potato shape that lurks for months or years, hidden at the back of the pantry to the point that when you finally find it, it’s grown limbs and you question if it’s sentient. No? Didn’t think so).

So that leaves me in a quandary. Part of this year was to take control of my health, both physical and mental. I had a strong start, but like so many people have experienced this year, 2020 had other ideas. There is still much to be done, and I’m feeling that, whilst I haven’t missed a day wearing a kilt so far, there seems to be very little progress or positive impact made.

Back to my idiot brain. It’s gone and had an idea which is still niggling at me. Now, I am left with a decision. Do I commit to this overzealous, idiotic plan to kick start the crescendo towards the end of the year? It’s not a good sign that I’m hesitant to even say what it is.

I think I’d best go crunch the numbers again.

Kilt of the day - Mackay Sport Kilt

Soundtrack of the day - Dare to Be Stupid - “Weird Al” Yankovic


day two hundred and forty - vive le tour


day two hundred and thirty-six - trolleyed