day sixty-nine - be excellent to each other


Some people seem to have an ability to go about their day, seeing only through their own lens, only focussing on issues that directly concern them. The plights and concerns of others fall by the wayside. Perhaps it’s ignorance. Perhaps it’s single-mindedness. Perhaps it’s selfishness. Perhaps they just got an extra helping of douchebaggery.

I can’t do that. That’s not to say I’m not a single-minded, ignorant, selfish douchebag at times, but I seem to have an abundance of empathy. I cannot help but take on the feelings of others, good and bad. If something is having a negative impact on someone, or a group of people, that, in turn, weighs on me. Sadly though, things with a positive impact make me happy for them, but I don’t always take on that joy and positivity - thanks brain.

This means that I care deeply about a lot of different stuff too, often things that don’t affect me directly. Social justice, racism, discrimination, political policies, mental health, homophobia, homelessness, domestic violence, child sexual abuse, equality, wealth distribution, environment & climate change etc - All these things, and so many, many more, seem to be loaded into a cannon and fired at me to see what sticks. To see what hurts. To see what matters. And the more that sticks, the more informed I become, the larger target I am for the next volley.

The thing is that it all matters, but we don’t all see the affects directly, so it can be easier for some to ignore things. To let them go through to the keeper. The problem being that all these things have a flow on effect, and much like the six degrees of separation, we can’t help but be interconnected. We can’t help but, however unwittingly, be affected by what this all does to the society we live in.

And with that, it’s not hard to see how everything has an influence on mental health; how everyone can have positive or negative outcomes based on what’s happening in society, particularly those that are pre-disposed or more susceptible to mental illness. This is one of the driving forces behind why I can’t help but give a damn about so many different things, and why I may seemingly go off topic from time to time. Because it all matters. Because everyone matters.

That’s why I’m always going to be pushing for change where needed, and advocating for the rights of people and groups other than myself. Revolutionary ideas for some, necessary for all.

But, perhaps this is all selfish. If there was less social injustice, racism, discrimination, inequity etc, and we lived in a society that looks after each other, with kindness, compassion, empathy, and strives for positive change, I know that it would relieve a great deal of anxiety and the resulting depression in me. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Kilt of the day - Loud Macleod Sport Kilt

Soundtracks of the day - We Care A Lot - Faith No More

Gil Scott Heron – The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Score of the Day - Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure - David Newman

Movie of the Day - Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

(Yes, this was one of my favourite movies growing up. Yes I still quote it. Yes I’m looking forward to the threequel. Thanks for asking.)

Never forget to be Excellent to Each Other…


day seventy-four - spiderman


day sixty-seven - writers blockhead