day seventy-four - spiderman


“With great power, comes great responsibility” Benjamin Franklin Parker

Words to live by… unless you’re feeling particularly powerless, which is not a tremendously uncommon sensation.

The other day however, my chance at great power came. I got bitten by a spider, or rather, I had a rather intimate, non-consensual visit from an arachnid. Had I known, I would have told it that that wasn’t what I was here for.

I didn’t see it happen, but I certainly did notice it once the bite site had properly swollen, and the venom had worked it’s way to my lymph node. It was in the “super-get-away-from-me-with-your-hairy-legs-and-manky-fangs-because-we-both-know-how-much-this-will-hurt-and-I-don’t-know-if-I’m-built-to-handle-that-kind-of-searing-stabbing-pain-please-no-aaarrrgghhh-that’s-really-hurty” category.

I seem to have conducted this experiment quite a few times - for science. It’s my 4th significant spider bite (white tail, redback, unidentified). This one has all the same traits as the red back that bit me roughly an inch away from the same spot.

It did give me a glimpse into the early stages of and medical community in a pandemic. I attended the After-Hours Clinic. They almost seemed happy it was a spider bite rather than a respiratory issue! Being early on, I got in quite quickly, and it was eerily quite in that part of the hospital. In the coming days, weeks and months, that is unlikely to continue. In every way, I was lucky to get in to be treated, not turned away, or triaged and waiting with scores of ill people around me.

Double sadly - and somewhat surprisingly… no super powers - yet. Probably too far from a laboratory or nuclear reactor for that to be viable. Still… I’ve heard that sometimes these things take time to develop‽ Fifth time the charm‽

Kilt of the Day - Mackay Tartan Sport Kilt

Soundtrack of the day that would be super easy to guess - Spiderman theme song 1960’s


day seventy-six - discombobulated


day sixty-nine - be excellent to each other