day thirty six - update three

update 3

So, over a month in. It is a strange combination of routine, a sensation of normality, and surprise at how quickly the time has gone.

Since last time, I’m not sure much has changed per-say, just some nice additions to the experience so far;

  • The support from the community behind this project has been amazing! It’s so rewarding and reassuring to receive messages of support and encouragement.

  • There is still the same mix of acceptance and disapproving looks (I’m pretty sure that’s not going to change… and that’s ok).

  • Conversations about the project seem to have slowed somewhat, but that could just be my perception. I’m strongly considering t-shirts that go some way to explain why I’m wearing the kilt, rather than leaving it up to the inquisitive few to ask.

  • The ‘What’s under the kilt?‘ question seems to be ubiquitous. It can happen anywhere; in public (either down the street or even in professional situations), from both from friends or strangers, young or old, male or female. Sometimes it’s quiet or said directly to me, or even yelled from a car after being honked at.

  • I’ve started the teaching term, and have to come to terms with how to manage my time with a career, a family and this project - so far it feels I’m doing it pretty poorly. (one of the reasons that I’ve been delayed in posting journal entries).

  • Two new kilts have come into the collection… a beautiful 1962 Australian army kilt in Gordon tartan (that I’m sure I’d have to have a hip surgically removed to fit into), and a nice Campbell of Argyle kilt that has gone into the daily rotation.

  • Before the next update is due, I will have completed the City2City Fun Run, and performed ‘Water Music’ with my Dad for a Bushfire Benefit gig on the 16th of February (a piece of music that was composed by my Father and I, as commissioned for the 100th anniversary of the Hume Wall, )

  • Booked in for the 75km 3 day Beechworth to Bridge walk for Suicide awareness.

  • Stitches have come out after my minor surgery, but I’m still having to take it easy, so no massive walks yet… but I’m back on the horse!

  • Mostly, my brain has been good to me. I’m pretty flat today though, which is probably reflected in the tone of this update (sorry)

  • My body clock is still sorely out of whack (honestly, if you bought the clock new, you’d be taking it back under warranty), but the vast majority of the anxiety is fleeting at best. I’m still experiencing patches of depression, but they are just that, patches, where in the past, it’s felt far more like an endless blanket.

I’m sure I’ve missed lots of things, but it’s been a hectic 12 days. Overall though, it’s going well. Thanks again for everyone’s support!

Kilt of the Day - Campbell of Argyle Tartan

Soundtrack of the day - It Gets Funkier - Vulfpeck


day thirty seven - really? you?


day thirty five - smile