day thirty four - day one x2


I’ve been terrified about today - about this whole week to be honest.

Today marks the first day back at Blackline Music School where I am the Director and a teacher.

It’s not the teaching that’s the concern. I’ve been teaching music for 23 years now, and it has always been something I hold dear to my heart. Teaching is the most fulfilling career I can imagine and I am one of the lucky ones who can honestly say I wholeheartedly love my job.

It’s the kilt, or more accurately, my concerns of how students, parents and colleagues will react to me wearing one. The confidence I usually have in my kilt has been replaced, or at least diluted with doubt and paranoia about how it will be perceived, particularly by new students or by those having lessons with other teachers.

I don’t want it to effect my teaching, or how the student learns in any way shape or form.

Thankfully, I made it through the first day unscathed, either getting positive comments, or a respectful avoidance of the subject. The doubt though, still remains, and anxiety has reared its ugly head.

Maybe I’ve nothing to worry about. Maybe I’m projecting my paranoia and perceptions. Maybe it will give a student the belief that it’s ok to do something different and to be themselves without having to conform to the norm. Maybe it may give them courage to talk when they need to. Maybe… time will tell.

Kilt of the Day - Black Watch Tartan

Soundtrack/Link of the Day - Actual CCTV footage of my first day teaching this year

Link of the Day - How playing an instrument benefits your brain - Anita Collins - TED-Ed

Bonus Link of the Day - Jacob Collier - Swing Percentages (just because he’s amazing)


day thirty five - smile


day thirty three - eerht ytriht yad