day thirty two - turn this ship around

One of my lovely neighbours has a saying, “We’re going to turn this ship around!”. It’s a great metaphor for taking back control of a situation and enacting change.

For me, it has the imagery of being the Captain at the helm of a massive Icebreaker, wrestling with the ship’s wheel, gradually changing course. and navigating around the icebergs of life. Or maybe just a leaky dingy with a single oar, (either way, I always picture myself as Captain Haddock from Tintin, even though I apparently look more like Professor Calculus.)

It also reminds me of a new friend, inspiration and fellow mental health campaigner, committed to helping communities and creating conversations.. He’s a man with a big heart - A big thinker with big plans.

Marc Nieuwenhuys (who I wrote about on day nine) is taking that phrase quite literally. After last year kayaking the length of the Murray to start discussions about mental health, he has turned around, this time in a ship rather than a kayak, and has yet another big project ahead… He’s pushing Ship upstream.

The simplified version of the project: Buy a boat, and travel the length of the Murray River, again.  Only this time, spending more time in the towns and surrounding regions. Turn the boat, into a place for starting conversations.  A non clinical, non judgemental place, just to have a chat. Not only for people suffering with mental illness, but for those around them.  Before arriving at each destination, we will put together an easy access guide to all the support that is available in that particular community.  

Creating connections.  Connecting people. Starting conversations.

Building the Mental Health Ship - Indiegogo Campaign

The Ship, as it has become known, will be a wonderful resource in the mental health community, and stands to make real, tangible difference in the lives of those living with mental illness. But he does need help. The Ship is sadly not yet shipshape.

It has been purchased, and work has already begun in earnest. He has quit his job, and is investing all his time and savings into making this project happen, just to be able to help others.

There is a crowdfunding page for The Ship, and whilst so many have been so generous lately due to the fire crisis, any money donated is much needed and will be well used, and greatly appreciated. Resources and energy like this are so important in our community, because you never know when ship might happen.

Kilt of the Day - Black Watch Tartan (and a self made sharpie’d ‘KILT LIFE CRISIS’ t-shirt)

Soundtrack of the Day - Atticus - The Northern Folk

Links of the Day - Building the Mental Health Ship - Indiegogo Campaign

Talking About A Lonely Journey

[photo again pilfered from Marc’s facebook page. Sorry again mate.]


day thirty three - eerht ytriht yad


day thirty one - badgers don’t have high self-esteem