day two - outlier

I’ve always felt like an outlier… being at the fringe of larger groups, finding my thinking differently from many around me, and striving to find the courage to be myself and stand up for what I believed in.

Sadly though, this was often in the face of condemnation from ‘peers’, colleagues, and some parts of society at large, leading to being ostracised and excluded. It also seemed to welcome unrelenting bullying from early primary school right through to being bullied in the workplace as a mature adult.

This in turn was partly responsible for many of my mental health problems, exacerbating the underlying physiological tendencies my brain has to depression and anxiety. So often it would have been so easy to conform, not to speak up for what I believed was right, and to not respect and defend people who needed it. Whenever I didn’t do so, I felt terribly guilty that I hadn’t done all I could, or been true to myself.

Yet, as I continue to grow and mature, I am so happy that I didn’t always buckle to peer pressure and become someone I couldn’t be proud of. Now more and more, I’m willing and able to stand up and speak out for the greater good, to discuss issues with a cool head and an informed mind.

Once of the nicest aspects of being an outlier has been finding ‘my people’. A quorum of friends and family that I hold dear. Those who understand, accept and love me for who I am, and I them. Those that accept each other’s failings and can offer support and assistance in the times it’s needed the most.

Self-esteem is something that needs to be nurtured in those around us, and is critical to ones own mental wellbeing.

Whilst the path isn’t always easy, at least for me, the other options weren’t options at all.

Kilt of the Day - Black canvas and Black watch tartan Utility Kilt

Soundtrack - Snarky Puppy - Outlier (live) from “We like it here”


day three - alert and alarmed


day one - 20:20 vision