day one - 20:20 vision

And so it begins… January 1st, 2020 and I’m kilted. It’s my favourite kilt in a Ross modern hunting tartan and has seen much love and use over the past three years. It feels ridiculous to refer to it as an old friend, but that’s exactly how it feels. I’ve always worn it with pride, and enjoyed the sense of confidence it gives me, but this is one of the rarer times I’ve worn it with real purpose..

I’m also feeling terribly underprepared. I’ve nowhere enough kilts, I’m unsure of where whatever momentum this project develops is best directed, this website isn’t yet live and all the social media (which I’m terrible with) hasn’t been properly set up. There’s so much to do but I’m tremendously hopeful and extremely excited about seeing how his project will evolve. I’ve already received some beautiful messages of support which has really strengthened my resolve.

My 2019, and for many of those close to me, was at times, a pretty terrible year. But, whilst there will be the inevitable ups and downs, I’m nothing but optimistic for the year ahead. The depression and anxiety I’ve lived with for most days isn’t with me, nor has it been as today drew close.

If at the end of this year I’ve been able to make a positive change for one person, it will have all been worth it.

[disclaimer - I’ve never blogged before. Odds on, this will be a train wreck! Beginning with a Dad Joke isn’t a great start.]

Kilt of the Day - Sport Kilt in Ross Modern Hunting Tartan

Soundtrack of the Day - Jeff Buckley - New Years Prayer


day two - outlier