day sixteen - kindness

Kindness is sometimes seen as weakness, something reserved for the meek and powerless. For me however, being kind and compassionate are some of the most powerful, selfless and easy actions one can do (even if it takes a little practice at first).

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.”
― Dalai Lama

Whilst I’ve often paraphrased (ok.. probably mangled) the above quote, it has been something that I’ve strived to live by for the past two decades. This simple concept has meant that each action I take, goes through this filter. Each interaction seen through this lens.

When I’m feeling the effects of my depression, at times it can be harder to be as functionally helpful. Simply finding the motivation to help myself has oft been a struggle for another day. Consciously not intentionally hurting others though has been imperative to avoid sliding into a deeper depressive state.

For me, there’s little that makes me feel worse than knowing I’ve caused pain or distress to someone else. Conversely, being kind, helpful and compassionate is almost a selfish action, as I’ve found little else that consistently makes me feel as good.

Kilt of the Day - Black Watch

Soundtrack of the day - Happy - The Bottom 40 (Pharrell Williams remix cover)


day seventeen - are you up?


day fifteen - conversations