day five - helplessness & hope

It’s easy to feel helpless, especially in the face of a disaster. We are so very good at coming together as a society and helping out - boots on the ground, astonishing donations both material and financial. Yet, once the literal and metaphorical smoke has cleared, the assistance often either dries up, or is more focussed upon rebuilding buildings and infrastructure.

Today I felt hope when I saw that Magda Szubanski and Will “Egg Boy” Connelly had launched a gofundme campaign, “Bushfire trauma/mental health Support ongoing”, to develop a trust to provide ongoing support for the mental health of the victims of this bushfire crisis. Considering the scale of this disaster, it is imperative that we help in any and every way we can.

In the immediate future, this will become the focus of any donations raised by Kilt Life Crisis.

Please give generously.

Kilt of the day - Black Watch tartan

Link of the day - gofundme fundraiser “Bushfire trauma/mental health Support ongoing”


day six - understanding the aftermath


day four - burning hot