day two hundred and fourteen - time for a wee dram?


August 1st… and with that comes a close to Dry July, and what was probably the largest consecutive number of days that I haven’t had a drink of alcohol since I was 18. That in and of itself is a little concerning… but let’s move on shall we?

It was strange at first, and I’ve made several jokes about being somewhat thirsty along the way, but overall, it was really good. There were only a few days where I really felt like moistening my sorrows, if not completely drowning them. Much like committing to wearing the kilt, drinking wasn’t an option which made it so much easier.

I think in some ways it would have been harder to do in the pre-covid world. There is a lot of societal pressure to drink, especially in the live music scene; Mates buying rounds, catching up for a drink at the pub, seeing a band, or being on stage and getting a liquid pay-check.

The past month has been a really hard time, but not due to the lack of drinking. My head hasn’t been ‘right’. I’ve had dark thoughts, long nights, crippling anxiety; every day is groundhog day. But through all of it, I don’t feel like alcohol would have made it better… probably quite the opposite.

Now I find myself being able to have a drink, but not being really sure if I want to. I certainly will at some stage in the future, but there seems something hollow if I were to wait till the stroke of midnight with a bottle of whisky at the ready. Almost as though it would dissolve any strength demonstrated in the preceding month… that, and the idea of a hangover sounds pretty unappealing. I think I’m going to brew a pot of tea in the meanwhile.

Unending thank you to those that have donated so far. It is really quite humbling and wonderful to think that the money will go to those dealing with leukaemia. Thankyou, thankyou, thank you.

Kilt of the day - Anderson Works Sport Kilt

Soundtrack of the day - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer - John Lee Hooker

Bonus ‘OMG, How Amazing is Bonham’ Soundtrack of the day - When the Levee Breaks - Led Zeppelin

Tempting dram of the day - Talisker 10 year old Single Malt Whisky - Isle of Skye (ralfy review)

Link of the Day - My Dry July donation page


day two hundred and twenty-eight - bloody anxiety


day two hundred and twelve - viscosity