day eighty-six - acceleration due to idiocy - part 2

3:30am pre-emergency visit selfie

3:30am pre-emergency visit selfie

… when I came to, I was in ridiculous pain. I scrambled back up near the gate and crawled into the foetal position, waiting for the pain to subside enough to do something. About an hour later, I woke up, frozen, disoriented and still in tremendous pain.

Stupidly, after some time regaining my senses, I drove home, had a shower, and again drove to emergency. Yes… super stupid. The last thing I should have been doing was driving. I’m going to blame the head injury.

After a considerable (but understandable) wait, I got in to see a doctor. but didn’t really get much treatment. I got a tetanus booster for the gravel impacted in my knees and that was it. That was a bit of a concern as I’d put my teeth through my bottom lip, split my eyebrow, had tremendous chest pain and had head-butted a fingertip into the back of the car which was swelling rapidly.

Over the next few days and weeks, the other issues became apparent. Bruised pancreas and liver, broken rib, but worst of all was a comminuted fracture of the distal phalanx, or a broken finger.

hurty finger

It was the third (or ring) finger of my left hand. My fretting hand. I’d broken the bone at the tip rendering it useless for playing.

Suddenly, the gigging career that, up until some 15 months prior, had eluded me due to anxiety was slipping away. I couldn’t play, I couldn’t practice. I could barely hold an instrument. Any time I tried, I failed. It was excruciating physically and mentally. And with that, I slipped backwards and was yet again diagnosed with major depressive disorder.

Kilt of the day - Black Watch Tartan

Soundtrack of the day - Trip - Mike Stern

Interview of the day - Mike Stern (Trip explanation)

Bonus Soundtrack of the day - Gaping Head Wound - The Aristocrats
live from the Culture Clash Tour - Mexico (with explanation)
studio version -


day eighty-seven -acceleration due to idiocy - part 3


day eighty-five - wave