day fifty - medication rules


Throughout this year, I have chosen to draw a line with which details I will or won’t discuss about medication.

Talking about when I’ve been taking medication, the effects that I felt from them is all fair game. As medication can play a huge role in someones journey with mental health, it would be erroneous of me to ignore it, or not speak of my experience.

That said, I don’t want to speak about specific type of medications that I have been prescribed. The reason is that everyone has different medication requirements (if any), and I am in no way a medical professional (which I’m sure were all eternally grateful for).

I know of people who were on the same medication as me, and often we had very, very different experiences. The medication’s effectiveness, prevalence of side-effects and dosage required are all individual.

I only have my personal experience, in my body, with my brain. Some medications were incredibly good, taking away the feelings of anxiety or depression, others made me sink far deeper into depression than when I was diagnosed.

I may be paranoid, but I’d hate to influence someones decision to take, or not take, a particular medication. That is something that really needs discussed with a GP or Psychiatrist. Thankfully, those conversations are not as hard to have as it may seem.

Kilt of the Day - Ol’ faithful Ross Modern Hunting tartan

Soundtrack of the day - Radiohead - Paranoid Android

Link of the day - The genetic basis of variability in drug responses - Dan M. Roden & Alfred L. George Jr

I can’t believe that this is the 50th journal entry! A half tonne (and still not out)!

As the new year drew near, I really hadn’t considered writing anywhere near this much. Now it feels like a really large part of the project.

Eternal thanks to each and every one of you who is reading this!


day fifty-one - compression


day forty-nine - guilt