day thirty nine - lifeblood

Last year, without going into too many details, I had a loved one who became very unwell. He was getting the best care available, and ultimately (thankfully) has come though ok, but it was touch and go.

At the time, there was next to nothing I could do and the feeling of helplessness was overwhelming. I visited him regularly and wouldn’t have been anywhere else in the world at the time, but ultimately felt utterly useless. Whilst we were in the hospital, I kept seeing him get platelets - “bags of meat drippings” he’d say.

As a child, I’d remember when Dad would come home with a ‘Be Nice to me. I gave blood today’ sticker. He was a superhero, giving someone his own blood in order to save their life.


So one day, when I was back home, I made the decision to become a blood donor. It seemed like one very small way to show solidarity. It had always been something I’d admired and planned to do, but always put off, or been worried that I’d be ineligible.

They were unendingly kind and supportive when I went in. The tests and questions were stringent (as you’d want them to be), yet to my surprise, I was allowed to donate. The process was fascinating, and far less painful or invasive as some may believe. I took photos of me hooked up to the machine and sent them down to him - “Here’s some drippings coming down your way mate”.

There have been times when I’ve been knocked back from donating - heart rate too high (probably anxiety), change in medication etc. These were at the time a hit, and I felt lousy as a result. Donating was one of the few things I felt were making a difference, but it’s the integrity of the system in looking after both the donors and recipients that make it the incredible service it is.

From that first day, until I die, I’ll always be a donor. It’s such an easy thing to do, makes you feel absolutely amazing, and literally saves lives.

…and you even get a muffin and a chocolate milk at the end!

Kilt of the day - Campbell of Argyle Tartan

Soundtrack dedication of the Day - “Blood Junkie” - Lamb of God

Slightly less gritty Soundtrack of the day - Count Duckula Theme Song

Link of the day - Australian Red Cross Lifeblood


day forty - ;


day thirty eight - infp