day twelve - first update

So, I’m 12 days into the project and a lot has happened. I had every thought that this would be a slow burn - that there would be little to no interest, at least initially, and I’d just remain the eccentric bloke in a kilt.

Instead, I feel a sense of community growing around this project at a rate that I could have barely comprehended several months ago when this was still an odd concept in my brain.

So far;

  • I’ve been incredibly humbled by all the messages of love and support. People have been so kindly sharing posts on their social networks.

  • People have given me innumerable strange looks as I walk down the street or do the grocery shopping.

  • I’ve had several really good conversations about mental health with family, friends and people I’ve met who’ve asked me why I’m in a kilt.

  • I found out that you can indeed swim in a kilt! (and it thankfully doesn’t feel like one of those RLSA ‘tread water in a tracksuit for 15 mins and almost drown after a 40 seconds’ tests I did as a child).

  • Walking, sometimes for several hours, has not only made me feel better physically, but has been sensational for giving me a clearer head (but only on the days where the AQI and smoke have allowed).

  • Writing this journal/blog has been a really pleasurable and cathartic experience, rather than the daunting prospect I’d anticipated, (though I’m getting a little behind…)..

  • I’ve been feeling amazingly good! No depression or anxiety! (Perhaps I should start a new branch of psychiatry for ‘Kilt Therapy’?).

  • I’m still the eccentric bloke in a kilt.

I also have my first radio interview coming up on 2REM this Tuesday evening at around 8pm AEST!?! This is frankly doing my head in, and seems far scarier than waltzing about the place in a kilt for a year, but thankfully I have people around me supporting me, I have the courage that the kilt gives me, and I have the conviction that what I’m doing is for a good cause.

It, like this journal, will be somewhat of a train-wreck, but it may be worth a giggle to hear me flounder, and since I’ve oft been told I have a face for radio, perhaps it’s a good fit!

Thank you all again for your support. I’m beyond thankful and amazed!

Kilt of the day - a very wet Sport Kilt in Ross Modern Hunting Tartan

Link of the day - 2REM Radio Live stream - Tuesday 14th of January @ 8.00pm AEST

Cheesy Soundtrack of the Day - Golden by Cory Wong feat. Cody Fry (well the video is really cheesy - the music is so damn funky!)


day thirteen - dear Liza,


day eleven - bluebird