day sixty-two - sicksty too


Whenever I get ill, there seems to be a higher chance that I’ll experience depression. I’m rarely worried or anxious about the physical illness, or get symptoms of hypochondria, but I do know I’m more susceptible to that blanket that comes over the mind, clouding my thoughts, and making the whole ‘being sick’ thing suck beyond the telling.

Today is one of those days. My body feels like it’s composed of a mixture of pain and remorse, and my stomach filled with a rehydrated, microwaved pile of mystery food like substances. - In other words, I feel lousy… and with that, my brain has been lousy too.

I had to take the day off, which I never like. I hate letting down my students and their parents or guardians. There’s the guilt of creating more work for my colleagues and the work that’s still waiting for you tomorrow. Then there’s the financial burden, but ultimately, I just really don’t like being sick.

Sill, I’ve been trying to chip away at things, keep my brain active, get some work done on computer from home, but other than dealing with the physical symptoms of being sick, everything seems twice as heavy, takes twice as long to process, is twice as arduous, and it all has half the reward.

I’ve noticed that I’m more easily triggered, running at a low ebb of cantankerousness. But it could be far worse. Currently, I’ve been experiencing depression and anxiety more infrequently for shorter durations of time, and dealing with it far better that I have in the past.

That said, tomorrow is another day, I’ve been sleeping throughout the day, and am ready for a relatively early night so hopefully, I’ll be feeling both mentally and physically well enough to tackle the day ahead.

Kilt of the day - Ross Modern Hunting Tartan Sport Kilt

Soundtrack of the day - Emotion Sickness - Silverchair

Disturbing additional soundtrack of the day - Down with the Sickness - Disturbed

Link ‘that’s only slightly related to the topic, but I’m sick and couldn’t find an appropriate article so here’s two to make up for it’ of the day - Depression and physical illness - James S Olver and Malcolm J Hopwood

Med J Aust 2013; 199 (6): S9-S12. || doi: 10.5694/mja12.10597 
Published online: 29 October 2013

The Link Between Depression and Physical Symptoms - Madhukar H. Trivedi, M.D.

Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2004; 6(suppl 1): 12–16.


day sixty-three - soundtracks


day sixty-one - inside voice