day fifty-two.2857 - weeks in the year

beau miles.jpg

Even though we’re only fifty-two days into the year, the end of the project is feeling closer. It makes you think in terms of how much you can fit into a year, month, week or day. Small, manageable periods of time.

Because this year was fairly unplanned, I’m finding out there’s a lot to do and a lot to fit in. Frankly, I’m often scrambling to keep up.

It does make you think about the potential there is in one day. What can be planned, what can be done, what steps can be taken towards something better, and how to go about achieving that.

There’s a filmmaker and adventurer called Beau Miles. He’s an Australian who puts out some fascinating short films and is a massive inspiration for me. His honest, quirky, laconic and direct style really hits home, and shows a man, really and truly living.

One of these films is “A Mile an Hour”. He worked out that his block was almost a perfect mile and that a marathon, being 26.2 miles, could be completed by running 26 laps over a 24 hour period. In between, he planned out as many jobs, projects, and tasks he could tackle and complete in between.

It’s a glorious film that demonstrates just what can be accomplished in a day, and how much change can be instigated and followed through by being conscious and taking action.

Whilst going full tilt for 24 hours isn’t sustainable over the long term, it goes to show that big changes can happen in short periods of time, and that, through being mindful, we can take big issues, break them down into manageable chunks, and tick them off.

I’m going to be doing one of these 24 hour days over the course of this year. Just seeing the potential that each day has makes some of the seemingly insurmountable tasks far less daunting, and that, with focus and mindfulness, things that have been left for too long due to procrastinating, could be all finished and behind me by tomorrow.

Kilt of the day - Mackay Sport Kilt

Short film of the day - Beau Miles - A Mile an Hour - Running a different kind of marathon

Link of the day - Beau Miles

Beau Miles - Youtube channel

Super cheesy soundtrack of the day - Vangelis - Chariots Of Fire

Worst suggestion for a soundtrack for a 24 hour marathon


day fifty-three - what to say


day fifty-one - compression