day forty-five - love

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Love comes in many forms - platonic, romantic, requited, unrequited. The Ancient Greeks had 8 forms; Agape (Unconditional Love), Eros (Romanic Love), Philia (Affectionate Love), Philautia (Self-love), Storge (Familiar Love), Pragma (Enduring Love), Ludus (Playful Love). and Mania (Obsessive Love).

Regardless, today is the day that the Christian faith (Hallmark and just about every florist around) has decided to honour love and a 3rd century Roman Catholic clergyman who was martyred by being beaten with clubs and beheaded on the 14th of February, roughly 1,750 years ago. He became the patron saint of lovers (and epileptics, and beekeepers).

Yes… this is perhaps one of those ‘what’s he on about’ moments. Well, like so many of these annual events, it seems like the case of something that should happen every day (not the beheading part - the demonstration of love part).

To only see displays of love once a year. To only hear ‘I love you’ on the day that society is pressuring everyone to say it. To have a year (minus a day) without affection, kindness, compassion, and love, in all its forms. All these things hurt. All these things make Valentine’s day less special, like a cursory sorry that is clearly not felt.

Love needs to be part of our daily lives, be that with family, friends, through to how we interact with strangers. Perhaps most important though, is self-love. Because if we can’t do that, it can be hard to accept that others can truly love us either.

Kilt of the Day - Weathered Black Watch Hiking Kilt

Soundtrack of the day - You and Me - Dave Matthews Band

Link of the Day - The Positive Effects of Love on Mental Health

Melissa Vallas, MD

Thanks for reading. I love you! (everyday… not just today)


day forty-six - prep day


day forty-four - aarrgghhh!